KOTAKBANK Intraday Open Interest Live Chart - 26 Apr 03:30 PM




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Active Options by Traded Volume

Strike Price Traded Volume
1,600 PE               15,825
1,650 CE               11,180
1,660 CE               5,816
1,650 PE               5,807
1,640 CE               5,220
1,600 CE               4,761
1,630 PE               4,478
1,620 PE               4,349
1,550 PE               3,980
1,640 PE               3,750

KOTAKBANK Support and resistance for Intraday

Strike Price OI Change Observation
1600 PE 1,083 Support
1630 PE 457 Support
1550 PE 439 Support
1650 CE 2,681 Resistance
1600 CE 1,500 Resistance
1620 CE 1,411 Resistance

Option Chain details of KOTAKBANK as of 26 Apr 2024 15:30 PM for Expiry Date: 30 May 2024

Observation CPR Vol IV Price Change Last Price Total OI OI Change Strike Price OI Change Total OI Last Price Price Change IV Vol PCR Observation
0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 439 2,396 19.90 -0.20 25.96 3,980 Short Building (Bullish)
Short Building ( Bearish) 0.3 535 23.31 -29.35 87.65 374 364 1,560.00 428 1,362 22.60 0.55 25.85 2,457 3.6 Long Building (Bearish)
0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 147 294 25.30 0.95 25.59 866 Long Building (Bearish)
Short Building ( Bearish) 0.1 147 24.71 -25.35 76.50 76 62 1,580.00 199 897 28.75 1.80 25.61 2,146 11.8 Long Building (Bearish)
Short Building ( Bearish) 0.0 38 24.03 -41.00 69.00 15 14 1,590.00 189 336 32.20 2.50 25.46 903 22.4 Long Building (Bearish)
Short Building ( Bearish) 0.4 4,761 24.59 -24.15 64.10 3,126 1,500 1,600.00 1,083 8,498 36.30 3.60 25.51 15,825 2.7 Long Building (Bearish)
Short Building ( Bearish) 0.8 584 24.80 -23.20 58.90 317 253 1,610.00 158 421 40.20 3.70 25.28 1,630 1.3 Long Building (Bearish)
Short Building ( Bearish) 1.6 3,308 24.74 -22.15 53.50 1,545 1,411 1,620.00 369 974 45.50 5.30 25.62 4,349 0.6 Long Building (Bearish)
Short Building ( Bearish) 1.3 2,633 24.95 -20.65 48.95 1,027 743 1,630.00 457 789 50.45 6.20 25.62 4,478 0.8 Long Building (Bearish)
Short Building ( Bearish) 2.0 5,220 24.82 -20.20 44.05 1,663 871 1,640.00 142 848 56.05 7.65 25.79 3,750 0.5 Long Building (Bearish)
Short Building ( Bearish) 1.5 11,180 24.91 -18.85 39.90 5,392 2,681 1,650.00 210 3,558 61.50 8.70 25.72 5,807 0.7 Long Building (Bearish)
Short Building ( Bearish) 3.2 5,816 24.94 -17.65 35.95 3,549 954 1,660.00 -52 1,125 67.55 9.75 25.82 1,979 0.3 Short Covering (Bearish)
Short Building ( Bearish) 4.1 2,211 25.16 -16.20 32.65 2,735 334 1,670.00 326 662 75.00 12.20 26.50 913 0.2 Long Building (Bearish)

What does KOTAKBANK Intraday Change In Open Interest(OI) means?

KOTAKBANK Intraday Change In Open Interest provides the total number of outstanding contracts that have been added at a given point of a day for the current expiry day. It means total number of lots that have been written or added during intraday for all the strike prices of an index or a stock for the current expiry. Here, we provide the number of total lots (Nifty it is 50 for lot and BankNifty it is 25 per lot) that have been added for all the strike prices of KOTAKBANK during intraday. It will provide the trend of the index or stock. If more calls are written then it is bearish. If more puts are written it is bullish. If puts and calls are having equal number at any strike for KOTAKBANK it is called short straddle hence most likely KOTAKBANK may not make big moves during intraday. Even if it makes big moves it so happens that both call and put strike price may lose value and will profit the option sellers. KOTAKBANK intraday open contracts OI change provides human readable charts so that traders can make decisions easily. Also, one can go back or forward in 5/15/30/60/120 minutes to see the past/future data. It will easily tell us which direction KOTAKBANK has been going. If KOTAKBANK strike 16000 has puts 50,000 lots of contracts are added and only 7000 calls are added then 16000 may act as support. if 16200 has 70,000 calls and only 12000 puts are written then most likely 16200 will act as resistance. Please check out NiftyOIData for OI related data